Littering by CITY=Midland

passenger trash4/13/2012 12:24:08 PM4/13/2012
3:18:48 PM
United StatesMichiganMidlandEast of Waldo on Patrick48642toyotaavalondark blueBNX 0060
Cigarette pack tossed out of car window9/22/2012 2:44:22 PM9/20/2012
7:43 a.m.
United StatesMichiganMidlandWest Sugnet48642MercuryMarinerLight ice blueCED 8482
Trash out of vehicle10/21/2012 10:02:45 AM10/20/2012
3:12 P.M.
United StatesTXMidlandAirline Road79706CheveroletGreen CB5Y652
Car passenget rolled down windown and threw out wrappers.5/23/2013 7:16:50 AM5/23/2013
United StatesMichiganMidlandDilloway / Eastman48640VW Bug4kq 535
Driver tossed out empty cigarette box7/13/2013 2:06:42 PM7/13/2013
2:05:10 PM
United StatesMichiganMidlandUS-1048642BlackCCX 5544
Driver flicking lit cigarettes out window9/5/2013 5:04:26 AM9/5/2013
745 am
United StatesMichiganMidlandUS 1048642ChevroletCamero2000GreenBgr4568
driver through full Sara from coffee cup out window at intersection of Eastman and Wackerly8/5/2014 7:12:57 AM8/5/2014
7:09:27 AM
United StatesMichiganmidlandEastman48642gmc Sonoma1998teal blueCEQ4757
Car littered multiple times on AIrport road6/27/2015 6:12:55 PM6/27/2015
8:56 PM
United StatesMichiganmidlandAirport road48642PlymouthBreezeDark GreenDGQ9226
fast food trash7/16/2015 9:37:25 AM7/16/2015
11:25 AM
United StatesTexasmidlandainslee79701bluefkz-1419
Threw several large empty water bottles out open car door in parking lot11/4/2015 5:07:52 PM11/1/2015
7:00:00 PM
United StatesTXMidlandMidland Dr & Wadley79707JeepProbably wranglerNewerBlack or grey CPY 0137
License Plate: CFP 62142/2/2016 4:06:07 PM2/2/2016
4:03:21 PM
United StatesMichiganMidlandPoseyville48623white
Cigarette butts thrown out of window7/20/2016 9:00:46 AM7/20/2016
8:58:01 AM
United StatesMichiganMidlandJefferson48642ChevyImpalaGrayDKE3712
Throwing paper out passenger side window2/25/2017 9:34:59 AM2/25/2017
10:32:29 AM
United StatesMICHIGANMidlandGordonville Rd48640ChevroletSonicBlack96J R97
Beds and couches,Trash8/20/2017 10:43:34 AM8/20/2017
10:24:50 AM
United StatesTexasMidland Ohio/Delmar 79703FordSuper Duty N/ASilverGLX-3130
Trash,couches,beds8/20/2017 10:50:47 AM8/20/2017
10:43:48 AM
United StatesTXMidlandDelmar - Ohio79703
Thrown cigarette out of car window3/23/2018 9:14:08 AM3/23/2018
12:10 pm
United StatesMichiganMidlandEast lawn and Saginaw intersection48642bhh637
Dropped trash 4/23/2018 4:19:07 PM4/23/2018
4:16:58 PM
United StatesMichiganMidlandSouth saginaw48640Chevrolet Siverado2010WhiteHp95u
Several occupants leaving litter 7/31/2019 7:31:26 PM7/1/2019 - ongoing
United StatesTexasMIDLAND3332 PROVIDENCE DR79707There are 7 of them