Littering by ZIP_CODE=27610

paper being toss out the window9/4/2014 12:54:54 PM9/4/2014
United Statesnorth carolinaraleighI 40 east bund near Rock Quarry rd27610WHITE VANSTATE VANWHITEPK 4182
House Furniture outside2/18/2015 11:20:44 AM2/12/2015
11:18:07 AM
United StatesNorth CArolina - Wake CountyRaleigh2700 Russell Ct Lot 1527610
discarded garbage and litter3/13/2015 12:29:49 PM3/13/2015
12:06:40 PM
United StatesNorth CArolina - Wake CountyRaleighNew Hope and Poole Rd27610
TVs Couchs Mattresses10/5/2015 9:59:56 AM10/5/2015
9:56:20 AM
United StatesN,C.Raleigh Old Baucom Rod27610
Threw trash out of car window4/7/2016 10:33:36 AM4/7/2016
United StatesNorth carolinaRaleighPerson/4027610Infiniti G35 SilverDbj8539
10 bags of trash dumped illegally near our driveway5/9/2016 7:10:13 AM5/6/2016
7:07:06 pm
United StatesNorth CArolina - Wake CountyRaleigh5041 Mial Plantation Dr. and 3108 Ivin Drive27610
While waiting at trafft8/8/2016 1:06:20 PM8/8/2016
3:27 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaRaleighWake Forest Road27610Chrvy4 doorUnknownDark grayCFD 8107
Passenger dumped a small trash bag, size of a dog poop bag10/10/2016 7:05:44 PM10/3/2016
8:30:32 am
United StatesNC - North CarolinaRaleighPearl rd27610Day3078
Tossed a cigarette bud on the highway10/14/2016 5:37:44 AM10/13/2016
6:00:00 pm
United StatesNorth CarolinaRaleighHighway 40 before the person and Hammond rd exit. 27610Kia SoulGrayCrs3879
trash from car8/2/2017 4:42:53 AM8/2/2017
4:26:56 AM
United StatesNorth CArolina - Wake CountyRaleighmiddle branch rd27610dodgept crusier2010 ?purple/bluecdw 3656
Bottle tossed from car window4/12/2018 7:16:12 AM4/12/2018
7:13:05 AM
United StatesNorth Carolina - Wake CountyRaleighCross Link Rd and Garner Rd27610FordExplorer Sport TracRedPDR5764
Person inside of a Grey BMW toss a cigarette but outside of the car5/11/2018 1:20:49 PM5/10/2018
United StatesNcRaleigh Capital Blvd 27610BMWGreyDLY 6243
Cigarette Butt Littered8/7/2018 8:07:59 AM8/7/2018
8:25:00 AM
United StatesNorth CarolinaRaleighPoole Rd.27610NissanAltimaUnsureBlackEKA-5609
Street litter8/28/2018 1:10:29 PM8/28/2018
1:03:42 PM
United StatesNCRaleigh5300 Tifton Drive27610
cigarette litter11/1/2018 10:09:37 AM11/1/2018
0710 AM
United StatesNCraleighPoole Rd 27610Dodge?grayDMY 8682
Trash 4/8/2019 5:34:25 AM4/8/2019
5:27:47 AM
United StatesNC - North CarolinaRaleigh Big bass drive 27610
I-40 Exit 3001/20/2020 7:28:21 AM1/20/2020
7:25:46 AM
United StatesNorth Carolina - Wake CountyRaleighRock Quarry Rd.27610
couch, Refrigerator10/21/2020 12:38:19 PM10/21/2020
12:25:05 PM
United StatesNC+Wake countyOld Baucum, near Rock Quarry. Two locations opposite side of road.27610