Littering by ZIP_CODE=28054

littering from car9/2/2011 9:46:30 AM9/2/2011
12:28 p.m.
United StatesNCGastoniaNew Hope Road28054ToyotaHighlanderWhiteZYW-8240
Bag full of trash12/23/2013 10:05:34 AM12/2013
9:53:18 AM
United StatesNCGastoniaon Edgemont Ave & E. Franklin Blvd 28054
A piece of trash.9/16/2015 1:23:49 PM9/16/2015
3:55 PM
United StatesNorth CarolinaGastonia Hwy 74/East Franklin Blvd28054Chevrolet Cavalier 80s or 90sAqua blueDCB 8724
Trash in yard blows throughout neighbor hood3/14/2016 9:07:16 AM3/14/2016
9:02:48 AM
United StatesncGastonia426 S. Oak St.28054
pawn recept trash littered9/17/2016 6:47:22 AM9/3/2016
3:00: PM
United StatesNCGastoniaEast Franklin Blvd28054
Kevin Anthony Lee - throw trash - with vital info listed3/7/2018 7:59:57 AM3/7/2018
7:58:19 AM
United StatesNCGastoniaEast Franklin Blvd 1300 - 1100 block28054
driver of car threw bag of trash out her window 3/9/2018 3:30:59 PM3/9/2018
5:18 PM est
United StatesncGastoniaEdgemont & East Franklin Blvd28054dark greydoc 1936
Thru bag of trash3/12/2018 9:34:37 AM3/12/2018
9:33:05 AM
United StatesNCGastoniaEdgemont Ave, 100 block28054
Thru bag of trash3/12/2018 9:38:49 AM3/12/2018
9:33:05 AM
United StatesNCGastoniaEdgemont Ave, 100 block28054