Littering by ZIP_CODE=60123

Driver dumping large styrofoam to go box7/18/2011 9:01:04 PM7/18/2011
4:45 pm
United StatesIllinoisElginRandall Road60123Chevy ImpalaGreyL83 1557
Pepsi Can dropped out of Ram 4x45/8/2013 5:06:23 PM5/8/2013
6:05 PM
United StatesIllinoisElginRandall Road & Royal60123Dodge Ram 4x4Deep Red82 098T
Roo7/10/2014 3:47:12 PM7/10/2014
3:46:09 PM
United StatesIllinoisElginSouth Randall road60123
Rolls down the car window and throws trash out7/10/2014 3:55:33 PM7/10/2014
Approx 4pm- 4 : 15pm
United StatesIllinoisElginSouth Randall road60123ToyotaHighlander9818147
dumping trash3/17/2015 4:21:03 PM3/17/2015
United StatesIllinoisElginRandall Rd. 60123Ford Taurus Silver 899R365
Littering DAILY6/11/2015 11:21:09 AM6/11/2015
11:19:12 AM
United StatesIllinoisElgin, IL616 Wilder St60123ChevySurbubanBlack
littered a cup10/22/2016 4:29:04 PM10/22/2016
United StatesIllinoisSouth ElginRandall road60123V810491
Dumping liquid from the plastic bag and then dropping the bad on the road.4/10/2017 5:55:57 PM4/10/2017
6:42 PM
United StatesILElginHighland Ave & Randall road stop light60123Subaru CrossbackGreyE615366
Dumping liquid from the plastic bag and then dropping the bad on the road.4/10/2017 6:12:55 PM4/10/2017
6:42 PM
United StatesILElginHighland Ave & Randall road stop light60123Subaru CrossbackGreyE615366
Dumping there grass clippings next next to tyler creek6/28/2019 7:32:27 AM6/28/2019
7:16:24 AM
United StatesIL - IllinoisElgin2110 Belvidere Line Drive60123
Throw can out window12/21/2019 10:52:56 AM12/21/2019
10:45:06 AM
United StatesIllinoisElginMcLean60123SaturnAura XEtan08-20
Rolled driver side window and threw plastic3/9/2020 9:20:45 AM3/6/2020
8:3246 AM
United StatesIllinoisElginMcLean Blvd60123FordFusionBlack/dark greyZ364246