Littering by ZIP_CODE=91406

Cigarette Butt11/8/2010 11:28:27 AM11/8/2010
8:23:18 AM
United StatesCaliforniaVan NuysWest on Sherman Way just before Woodley Ave91406NissonAltima?Red5FWB414
Dumping old furniture and Stroller Swap-Meet8/10/2013 7:25:04 PM8/10/2013
7:07:16 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVan Nuys 6537Woodley ave 91406Ford econoline????white 8U61181
Driver threw cigarette butt out his car window12/11/2013 6:08:08 PM12/11/2013
5:04:49 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVan nuysRoscoe blvd91406LexusRdx I think, the SUV model2008-2010-ishLight blue6nue782
man throwing trash out window while driving5/8/2014 5:37:08 PM5/7/2014
6:20 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVan Nuys405 Freeway91406AudiQ7?Silver6ZXF742
Tossed cup out of front passenger window12/19/2014 9:26:29 PM12/19/2014
3:30 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVan NuysHaskell Ave91406White7DYB015
RV has dumped tons of junk multiple times right on street2/23/2016 2:45:25 PM2/23/2016
2:40:46 PM
United StatesCAVan Nuys, CAHaskell Ave91406WinnebagoChieftannot sureCream1KAJ503
4 RVs parked on the street dumping their trash everyday3/5/2017 11:35:20 AM3/5/2017
11:31:43 AM
United StatesLos angelesVan Nuys Valjean ave 91406Tan
4 old tan RV mobile homes parked all over the street3/5/2017 11:41:38 AM3/5/2017
11:35:28 AM
United StatesCaVan Nuys 6960 Valjean ave91406RV Motor HomesTan
Person throwing trash out their car window4/4/2017 12:46:30 PM4/4/2017
12:42:22 PM
United StatesCaVan nuysHaskel91406Toyota CamryGold7ALP162
Threw a sandwich out of moving vehicle5/15/2017 5:39:18 PM5/15/2017
5:32:21 PM
United StatesCALake Balboa6655 Densmore Avenue91406???Silver7CDM322
Passenger front seat lowered a box out the window in the middle lane on Sherman Way.6/5/2018 7:21:06 AM6/5/2018
6:40 am
United StatesCaliforniaVan NuysSherman Way 91406HondaAccordMetallic5UDP898
Passenger front seat lowered a box out the window in the middle lane on Sherman Way.6/5/2018 7:21:17 AM6/5/2018
6:40 am
United StatesCaliforniaVan NuysSherman Way 91406HondaAccordMetallic5UDP898
Passenger front seat lowered a box out the window in the middle lane on Sherman Way.6/5/2018 7:23:36 AM6/5/2018
6:40 am
United StatesCaliforniaVan NuysSherman Way 91406HondaAccordMetallic5UDP898
Dropped paper out of car window9/15/2018 1:43:17 PM9/15/2018
1:22 PM
United StatesCaliforniaVan NuysWhite Oak Avenue91406BMWM6 (I think...)UnknownDark - Black I think...8CEW055
Auto shop throws trash out of cars on the street2/19/2019 2:57:56 PM2/19/2019
2:53:21 PM
United StatesCALake BalboaSaticoy and Forbes91406
Threw cigarette butt outside car window9/9/2020 12:51:47 PM9/9/2020
12:44:18 PM
United StatesCaliforniaLos Angeles101 South near Balboa Blvd91406Range RoverSportBlack8ANE594
Trash bag t11/11/2020 6:24:35 PM11/11/2020
6:12:53 Am to 6:30 am
United StatesCaliforniaVan nuys7600 N. Orion Ave91406NissanFrontier2005 to 2008Red99177B1