Littering by CITY=Billings

2 big rig side dumpers, dumping in city street6/5/2014 5:58:33 AM6/4/2014
1:35 PM
United StatesMontanaBillings1120 Lincoln Lane 59105Semi-truckW/trailer 3C95116WhitePA02866
Man in black truck throwing trash out of window on highway7/7/2020 5:11:40 PM7/7/2020
5:03:24 PM
United StatesMontanaBillingsInterstate 90 EastDodgeRam 3500BlackCK89121
Raised trailer1/12/2020 2:46:26 PM10/12/2020
2:44:02 PM
United StatesmontanaBillingsEast lane 59101Bobcat
illegal dumping3/8/2015 10:48:28 AM3/8/2015
11:40 am
United StatesMontanaBillings6th street and virginia lane59101FordF150late modelRedBMF365
Threw garbage out the car window7/25/2013 2:33:37 PM7/25/2013
2:30:11 PM
United StatesMontanaBillingsShiloh/grand59106OldsmobileAurora2004?greenish blueALX570
Threw full bag out window onto curb4/18/2020 5:48:58 PM4/18/2020
5:45:05 PM
United StatesmontanaBillings Rimrock and 27th stop sign turning left59102ChevyYukon2009White336377D
Highschool students repeatedly throwing trash into lawns of houses in neighborhoods across the street from the school. has to be cleaned up 3-4 times a week4/20/2016 3:15:52 PM4/20/2016
3:13:33 PM
United StatesmontanaBillings 1520 Virginia Ln59102-3621
couches,tv consoles3/1/2015 5:17:46 PM3/1/2015
5:13:01 PM
United StatesMontanabillings640 n 15 st tralier 359101
Dog Poop & Littering1/30/2015 4:16:09 PM1/30/2015
4:14:02 PM
United StatesMontanaBillings917. N. 25th St.59101
adults not being responsible for the children the care for7/24/2014 7:28:51 AM7/24/2014
7:14:48 AM
United StatesMontanabillings 505 orchard ln59102
adults not being responsible for the children the care for7/24/2014 7:28:10 AM7/24/2014
7:14:48 AM
United StatesMontanabillings 505 orchard ln59102
Harmful chemical littering.5/5/2014 2:49:42 PM5/5/2014
2:47:01 PM
United StatesMontanaBillingsRoundup Road59105
Littering in alley and street4/14/2014 1:01:03 PM4/14/2014
12:56:58 PM
United StatesMontanaBillings917 N. 25th. St.59101